Carbondioxide (CO2) Gaseous Extinguishing Systems

Carbon dioxide is probably the most used gaseous extinguishing agent in the world, thanks to its versatility, performance and extensive track record, with outstanding results and proven properties. It is a clean gas that leaves no residue, is non-conductive, non-corrosive, chemically unreactive, does not affect the ozone layer (zero ODP), and is colourless, odourless and tasteless. It combines low cost and high availability anywhere in the world, making it a leading product. It is recommended for protecting virtually any risk: Unlike others, it may be used when the design includes openings on the enclosure walls, either by total flooding or by local application to ensure highly effective and versatile extinguishing.

Total Flooding

Fixed carbon dioxide firefighting equipment can be applied generally and extensively in rooms which are watertight or with openings below a certain proportion of their surface (walls, floor and ceiling). It simply replaces the atmospheric air with CO2 until the concentration required for fire suppression is reached depending on the content or characteristics of the room to be protected. It also cools the focus of the fire with maximum efficiency without damaging the protected property. Protects the entire contents of an enclosure. If the number openings is above a certain limit, adapting the system for local application is very easy. For evaluating the leak tightness of an enclosure, we offers a premise leak tightness test service, also known as a Door Fan Test. It consists of an in situ check of actual leaks to determine the losses and determine if the sealing of cracks and openings needs to be re-addressed.

Local Application

We supply CO2 equipment for local application that provides maximum firefighting efficiency, ensuring rapid and safe extinguishing. The agent is discharged within 30 seconds, which extinguishes the fire quickly, minimizing the damage. It is used whenever the openings of a room exceed a certain limit of the total surface or when the protected asset is in a large room that makes total flooding of the entire enclosure infeasible or unnecessary.

Using Area

Transformer Rooms
Power Transmission Rooms
Cable Trays
Motor Rooms
Paint Cabinets
Flammable Liquid Storage Area
Electrical Control Room
